5 TEDx talks, 5 Reconstruction talks

Many times in our lives we feel the need to make a new beginning, give ourselves a second chance. This change can be either small or large, but little does it matter. What is important is our will to achieve it. But what prevents us from making this decision?

We are socialbeings, that is, thatwe have learned to act as members of a larger whole. Therefore, from the environment in which we move we receive our impulses, our ideas and our inspiration to overcome any difficulty. This may also be the direction we must follow to gain the strength to achieve renewal. After all, there is no more valuable asset than solidarity.

You can also find this inspiration in the following TEDx talks by people who have overcome the barriers of life and reborn stronger.

My philosophy for a happy life – Sam Berns | TEDxMidAtlantic

(Suggested by Constantine Koukovinos, Volunteer Coordinator)

The dead ends we encounter lead us to seek change. But there is always a starting line and as soon as we cross it we find ourselves one step closer to a happy life. Perhaps what we need is to look at our daily lives from another angle. Sam Berns is a living example of a man who did not let his illness stop him from fulfilling his dreams. To the question “Isn’t it hard to live up to expectations” he responds “Even though I have foresight, I spend most of my time thinking about things that have nothing to do with foresight.” In his talks, he turns his personal experiences into tips for a happy life.


Create Skies If You Want To See Stars – Lina Nikolakopoulou | TEDxAcademy

(Suggested by Irene Athanasopoulou, Curator)

“γνῶθισαὐτόν” is an infamous Greek saying, which is the knowledge we have or are expected to acquire for ourselves. The balance between what we have achieved and what we want to be. Liana Nikolakopoulou, an artist who inspired thousands of people, wondered at one point if she was really happy with herself and what she created. That was also the moment she realized something was missing, the moment she found her child again and managed to get along with her. A talk about her life and her state, her years of artistic creation.

From death row to law graduate – Peter Ouko | TED Talk

(Suggested by Mina Fotiadou, Volunteer)

Sometimes situations lead us to the idea that we are plunged into an abyss from which there is no return. But we must never forget that even if we have reached “rock bottom”, we can always recover. Manson, a former convict and unjustly convicted of murder, refused to be a victim of the circumstances. He took advantage of the supplies he was given, even in his surroundings. His main purpose is to help people in a similar position. Because every person deserves a second chance.


Fighting forced marriages and honour based abuse – Jasvinder Sanghera | TEDxGöteborg

(Suggested by Olympia Trapezanidou, Volunteer)

We live by choice. But this choice is sometimes beyond the circumstances under which we were born and raised. “The acceptance of a culture is not the acceptance of the unacceptable,” declares JasvinderSanghera and emphasizesthrough her experiences. A girl who escaped a toxic family that forced her into an arranged marriage. So, reborn as a strong woman, she struggles to help young girls in similar positions.

Οne lifetime; many lives – Maya Tsoclis | TEDxThessaloniki

“Every end contains but also means a new beginning.” In order to make a difference in our lives we do not have to experience a crisis or fall into a deadlock. Many times it is enough just to want to try something different, to discover other aspects of ourselves. So, this shows us Maya Tsoclis and her diverse career.

Obviously the above speeches are not unique in their kind. It’s just a small sample, which can be an inspiration to anyone looking for it. So don’t hesitate to look for inspiration for change in other speeches. You will also be amazed at how many renaissance stories there are and are waiting to be discovered.

Translation: Kleio Antonaki

Review: Niki Saridaki


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