We are Schrödinger’s cats with unlimited capabilities

I am not a physicist, especially a quantum physicist, but I do have a fondness for cats and a love for Schrödinger’s cat, especially for what it represents, metaphorically speaking.

Schrödinger’s cat is a mental experiment, also described as a paradox. It was invented by the Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger in 1935. It represents what he saw/recognized as the problem in the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics in its application to everyday life.

In the convention the protagonist is a cat, which can be both alive and dead, its condition being linked to a previous random event. The mental experiment is commonly found in theoretical discussions of quantum mechanics’ interpretations.

You could argue, why bother, why to trouble our heads with something new?

And yet, if we look at the bigger picture, this cat in the box represents all of us.

Because it might be inside the box, but we don’t know whether it’s alive or not, what its condition is. The cat’s fate seemingly hangs on an event that may or may not happen on its own. At the same time, practically speaking, its fate also depends on what it does. Will it come out of the box, tamper with any mechanism while it’s hidden and out of the researchers’ sight.

There are too many alternatives as well as too many chances for each of them to happen.

I like this theory so much, because it shows that we all have unlimited capabilities for anything…

Something that will either lead someone to existential crises, because anything can happen, or it will get someone out of existential crises because again, anything can happen and technically, if you support the theory of parallel universes, it’s already happening/happened/will happen.

Every single one of us (and we’re talking about over seven billion people) has an infinite chance of doing literally anything in this life. Everything is decided by our choices.

Every small choice, however insignificant it may seem, can be the cornerstone for something bigger in the future, the first step in our evolution.

When we are faced with choices (I’m not telling about which cucumber to buy in the supermarket), we are also transported into a box, we become cats and for a few moments, while we’re trying to decide, we theoretically choose everything and branches open up before us.

And yes, circumstances may lead us to this or that choice, but it is up to us what we’ll do in the end (except in very extreme circumstances).

Others may have put us in certain situations, may have caused circumstances (such as putting the cat in the box in a condition of possible death), but how we will choose to react is up to us.

To avoid misunderstandings, I’m not saying that we should all have total control over everything and always make the right choice. Although we are sharp-eyed like cats, we cannot predict with certainty where the choice we make will lead.
We only know that it will lead somewhere.

Therefore, should you keep anything from this article, that would be that it is better to make choices than to remain inactive due to some fear of making the wrong choice.

I understand that there are infinite options out there and things would be a lot easier if the universe decided for us, but then the ‘Life’ concept wouldn’t be any fun.

After all, if everything and everywhere is going to happen, it is better to choose which way we want to move and make the choices we think are best for us, rather than letting the tangle of life (yes, cut pun again!) unfold and just happen without ourselves being active players.

They said it also in Para Pente (Greek TV series), “they placed us somewhere for an unknown reason; how we’ll deal with it, is up to us”.

Let us enjoy the moments of infinity among our choices and let the rest of ourselves in the multiverse deal with the ones we didn’t make.

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