Solo travelling: me, myself and I…

As the saying goes (or at least went), “You can have fun anywhere with some good company!” This is not the case of solo travelling, though, a new tendency that proves we can have fun on our own and creates a first-class opportunity to get to know ourselves better through our travels.
Solo travelling has become a rather popular kind of tourism lately, and according to it, the traveller visits a destination alone, to meditate but also meet new people. This alternative form of tourism already counts many faithful followers. However, still some people don’t realise the positive results it could offer to whoever tries it.
Indeed, we all panic in the thought of being alone in a foreign land, without a familiar presence, and we treat our trip more like an obligation rather than a pleasant experience. However, things aren’t what they seem to be, as through this experience in particular we can gain other equally important benefits.
A solo traveller experiences the feeling of freedom to the fullest, something everyone needs nowadays more or less. When we travel alone, we can organise our time the way we want without compromising with our fellow co-travellers. In the meantime, the thought of being a stranger among strangers surely adds up to the feeling of liberation. Introspection is another good reason to try this new kind of tourism because there is plenty of time during this journey to get in touch with our own selves and achieve in that way the self-improvement we desire.
Beyond the contact with our ego, nevertheless, a trip like this is a unique opportunity to get in touch with other people. You can find many active solo travelling communities online anyway, through which anyone can get information about the kind of tourism itself, but also about other travellers. Contact like this can develop into a strong relationship, and it equips us with self-confidence and certainty that we can socialise, even just by ourselves.
There are plenty of choices for someone who wants to travel alone, according to your needs and preferences. Usually, the destinations that are apt for solo travelling are safe areas, in which you can either fill your day with exciting activities or chill out and escape reality. Women who decide to travel on their own show particular interest in this latest trend. Regardless of the dangers, promising data show that more and more women choose to follow this sort of tourism annually, thus creating an active and powerful community that has a lot to offer to the international feminist movement. 
Solo travelling isn’t just a temporary trend or a profitable industry. It’s also an essential symbolism of the modern human’s need to be free and self-sufficient, exploring the world and discovering their self first of all. Next time you travel, then, leave behind your fears and insecurities, get out of your comfort zone and gift yourself an escape you’ll never forget!

Review: Niki Saridaki

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