5 Talks that Changed Our Worldview

TED and TEDx – Ideas worth spreading.

It’s such a simple phrase, yet it includes a multitude of opinions, ideas and thoughts. One would argue that TEDx is a collective effort to awaken the public, to reject the status quo, and to foster new ideologies. It’s the establishment of a new worldview!

At this point I suggest we look back together at the speeches of all these people who have contributed to this effort and they will stick with us forever, all using the art of expression as their only weapon.

The danger of a single story – TED Talk

Chimamanda Ngozi Αdichie, an African writer, through her speechcriticizes the one-sided approach of facts in the different aspects of our lives and demonstrates the deadly effect it has on literature, on everyday life and consequently, on the ideology of people. During the speech, the listener often comes across the realization that they are guilty of that crime and enter a fruitful process of reflection.


How great leaders inspire action – TED Talk

What? How? Why? As life goes onthere are some questions you ask yourself about anything you do, whatever its significance is. Everyone knows what they are doing, most people know how they are doing it, but only some wonder why they are doing it and even less manage to answer that question. Simon Nek manages to describe this three-part notion of success in Golden Circle and to demonstrate that the motive behind all our actions and the reason why we do anything is what differentiates us from others.


How to stop screwing yourself over – TEDx Talk

Mel Robbins, through her wry sense of humour and her comic troll, tries to convey the message, which can be considered trivial by some, that everything you seek and desire is in your hands to obtain. She also mentions an overused expression that has ended up as a slogan, but nevertheless manages to shake us with its aura and its dynamism and makes us realize that: “To obtain what you want is simple, not easy.”


You don’t find happiness. You create it. – TEDx Talk

Undoubtedly, we have all heard this phrase at some point in our lives, and we just passed itby without further looking into it. Besides, how should we do that? Katarina Blom proves to us with concrete examples that maybe it’s easier than what we have imagined! Based on the groundbreaking theory that happiness is an ability that you develop and improve, just like the rest of them, she tries to convince us through her speech to follow the path of exercising happiness over the path of searching for it.

A Sierra Leone Story – TEDx Talk

Yiannis Behrakis, through an experiential narrative, captures the awfulness of war with simple words without any window dressing or exaggeration. He reveals to the listener a dark aspect of modern reality, which is often omitted, and he also brings them closer to the exhausting struggle of survival and the pain of loss. The riveted simplicity and forwardness of his speech reminds us that those abhorrent crimes that seem so far away and fake for all of us are the gloomy reality for some.

The phrase “Words and ideas can change the world” from the movie Dead Poets Society defines this article, and it reminds us as well that anything can start from an idea, a few words, and some people that dare to believe and dream.

Review: Niki Saridaki

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