After all, what do we control?

Marilena karamolengou has accepted the fact that we can’t control everything in life. Some things are just too unexpected, whether they are positive or negative. We can’t control life.

What we do control, however, is our stance towards life.

It’s how we deal with everything we come across in life. As Marilena Karamolengou herself reflects, “I’ve never had control over the fact that I’ve got cancer or that my hair would fall off. I did choose though to have control of my life beyond that point. I don’t want to be defined by an illness.”

This isn’t easy for someone to say or do. Countless times we have allowed ourselves to be overwhelmed by emotion, positive or negative. But there’s only one point: for whatever happens, for whatever comes up in life, we are the ones who control our perspective towards it, how to live through it. Choice is a crucial factor in whatever we do.

We learn through our choices and those choices reflect who we are, who we will become, and who we wish to be. They may be right or wrong. In reality, it’s our choices that make up our lives. Therefore, we should be the ones to determine how we live and experience them.

Let’s take the initiative, let’s get the situation under control, let’s say that everything is manageable and let’s truly try to manage through. Let us not be the victims of our problems. For better or worse, everything is fleeting but we stay the same.

Do you understand now what we can control when our lives are not in our control?



Translation: Niki Saridaki

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