The latest developments in Greek society currently, as women are sharing their experiences, being in the spotlight of the #me_too movement, but also as the general public obscenity of gender-based discrimination is established, demonstrate the issues haunting women even today. It’s evident that gender equality is now considered to be a dire necessity more than ever. That’s why it constitutes one of the principal objectives of the U.N. sustainable development for a more just, progressive, and prosperous society. Even though women’s role and course through the ages is constantly changing, the crackdown on inequalities is yet to be attained, rendering it interesting to outline the evolution of women’s position up to this day.
Women haven’t been free traditionally and are still being underestimated up until today in many parts of the world. As Kiki Dimoula highlights in her poem “Sign of Recognition”: “For your tied hands, which you’ve had for all the many centuries I’ve known you I call you woman. I call you woman because you’re a captive.”
Women’s attempt to eradicate discrimination and claim their rights is persistent and constant. The perennial female struggle to break the chains that brought her to an inferior position and wanted her to feel dependent, acting like “the fairer sex” in comparison to men, led women to achieve important accomplishments in various fields. However, these struggles are far from over. In spite of the dramatic shifts already noted on many levels, gender inequality still exists.
In spite of the so far achievements and the constant path towards bridging the gender gap, women are still on the line, still fighting for equality. They’re still trying to combine the multiple roles they possess, as mothers, wives, workwomen, and successfully respond to them. They often lose and sacrifice themselves in this attempt, being also mentally and physically strained. Stereotypical and sexist beliefs and off-limits are still surviving, dominating, and recycled up to this day in mass media and not only in them. Women are still in the shadows, under-represented in many sectors. In many countries, even now they have yet to secure fundamental rights, generously gifted to men. Women’s primary target in this new era is organizing a movement against violence, prejudice, and gender stereotypes. Besides, her role, dynamic and position nowadays differs wildly from the past.
The world today has noted some unprecedented progress regarding gender equality. Incomparably brave and decisive women managed to assert their fundamental human rights. Women are emerging as assertive and agents of change, innovation and a beacon of hope for the combat of stereotypes and gender distinctions. Women’s contribution to politics, economy, education, and culture over the past few years has been important and indisputable. Women now are distinguished in the entrepreneurial and scientific field, they are innovative, they take risks and vindicate. With great struggle, they redefine their position themselves.
What does it mean, then, to be a woman nowadays?
A woman nowadays isn’t an abstract conceptual construct, instead, she reflects all women on this planet who are fighting and struggling for change and society’s improvement. A woman nowadays is ready to take the lead in the new era. She’s a touchpaper that ignites evolution and inspires people. She’s in a process of fathomless search and redefinition of her identity. She represents, as always, hope, creation, and the source of life. However, these days she’s asked to demonstrate her power, and the leader that lurks within her. The woman of today is multifaceted, she’s self-luminous and independent. Like a skilful acrobat she’s asked to balance between the multidimensional and usually contrasting roles she takes on and to claim the position she deserves. A woman serves now as an idea, as the starting point to keep on fighting for an equally inclusive society without any discriminations. To put it simply, what’s a woman today? She’s a modern everyday heroine!
Photography by Maria-Polina Vasilikou