When a child’s smile goes out early…

Sensitive content warning: reference to child exploitation, child labor, violence UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, 20 November 1989.* “Article 32.- States Parties recognize the right of the child to be protected from economic exploitation and from performing any work that is likely to be hazardous or to interfere with the child’s education, […]

If you could say something to 7.9 billion people, what would you say?

As of today, the planet Earth, which we call our home, is home to 7.9 billion people in 195 different countries. From the ancient years the interaction of all these populations and the communication of people was one of the most intense phenomena that is deeply rooted in our nature. Over the years humanity accomplished […]

Interview with the Mayor of Trikala, Dimitris Papastergiou

“I think with the strength and madness of the team you always find the strength to keep going.” Dimitris Papastergiou was born in 1973, studied Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens, was involved in radio, computer programs, and renewable energy sources. In 2002 and 2006 he was elected municipal […]

“Come on, child, eat your… vaccine”

Vaccines! Definitely a particularly relevant word. How would it make you feel if instead of making an appointment at the closest vaccine location, you had the chance to eat them with your next meal? Something like “Today I think we should order pizza and for dessert let’s take a vaccine against hepatitis B.” Okay, to […]

Every ending is a new beginning…

“All good things come to an end.” Have you ever used this phrase? If the answer is yes, can you remember why? Maybe some of the reasons I can try to guess myself. Perhaps once when you said goodbye to friends, desks, and school, when you finished high school. Then, when you said goodbye to […]

Act Two: “Techne”

There are thousands of thoughts in our minds that are eager to “come to life.” Among them ideas, visions, goals, intangible concepts are waiting to be accomplished. Waiting… what are they waiting for? Or rather who? Nurtured by us, clearly we are who they’re waiting for. It may seem easy to set a goal for […]

Through the prism

“Life, death and in between Art”. Nikos Engonopoulos sums up in a nutshell a fundamental principle: art is an inalienable part of human life. More accurate, art itself is life, while life is trying to imitate art until death succeeds her. By definition this concept requires the existence οf a recipient – let us not […]

Toxic habits

TW: mentions of mental instability A word, depending on the context that is used in, conveys a variety of different meanings. At least that is the case with the word “gap”. There is the gap in the universe, the gap between the words, the gap in an empty canvas, and these are just a few […]

“Missing Alert: Inspiration has disappeared”

Inspiration! What is inspiration? The dictionary defines it as “an idea for the realization of a goal or the creation of a work of art, which appears suddenly and without seeking it consciously.” More simply, yet, is it this small, bright light bulb above the heads of cartoon characters? And if it is a lamp, […]