“Leave it for later, you’ve got time”

The clock’s pointers on the wall continue their journey and the minutes seem to run ceaselessly. When you turn your look in their direction, it’s like they perceive your presence, they run even faster. Music playing on the headphones and cell phone in hand to stop these thoughts. Studying does not progress but, at the […]

International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia: Embrace diversity

May 17th, 1990: The World Health Organization after a general assembly, officially eliminates homosexuality from the list containing mental illnesses, suggesting that “homosexuality isn’t a mental illness, a disorder or an anomaly,” and establishing this day as the International Day Against Homophobia. The term “homophobia” appeared for the first time during the ‘70s, dispraising in […]

The pop culture empire

We often use the term pop culture, or popular culture, in our vocabulary, sometimes to impress our interlocutors with our knowledge, and other times to point out the most important issues, which concern humanity on a global scale. However, most of the time, we are not even aware of its huge impact on our lives. […]

An abyss is the human soul

Sensitive content warning: reference to mental illness The discussion around mental illness belongs to the special category of discussions we are reluctant to have. We are afraid to talk about it because we might say something wrong. We are afraid to think about it because we may not know enough. We are afraid to express […]

The power of speech!

“The pen is mightier than the sword”; a ubiquitous proverb of our people that encapsulates the colossal power of language in just one little sentence. This saying has been recorded from the beginning of our history and has remained untouched since then, proving the timeless validity of speech over the years. A myriad of people […]

Act Two: “Techne”

There are thousands of thoughts in our minds that are eager to “come to life.” Among them ideas, visions, goals, intangible concepts are waiting to be accomplished. Waiting… what are they waiting for? Or rather who? Nurtured by us, clearly we are who they’re waiting for. It may seem easy to set a goal for […]

Marvel Cinematic Universe

Surely these past months we all spent more time at home, forced to stay inside, almost incarcerated, due to the world health crisis and lockdown measures. It was inevitable, then, to feel the need to explore creative ways to spend these eternal hours at home. Some chose to focus on their studies, either for school […]

Your best friend and your worst enemy!

Daily interaction with people brings us closer to new ideas, opinions and realizations. We constantly meet new faces that understand our concerns and share our enthusiasm, but also faces that underestimate and discourage us, considering our dreams and goals utopian. Therefore, we seek to be surrounded by friendly people who propel and support us, keeping […]

A knot in the stomach

TW: mentions of stress, mental illness I feel anxious. I constantly have this feeling, and this knot in my stomach doesn’t seem to go away. I don’t know what causes it, perhaps it is caused out of fear of failure, perhaps out of the continual effort not to disappoint everyone. I don’t know… It’s considered […]

“Missing Alert: Inspiration has disappeared”

Inspiration! What is inspiration? The dictionary defines it as “an idea for the realization of a goal or the creation of a work of art, which appears suddenly and without seeking it consciously.” More simply, yet, is it this small, bright light bulb above the heads of cartoon characters? And if it is a lamp, […]