The Jam Rooters: “This dance is nice as a genre and it’s also very uplifting, you can get away from your daily routine”

Interviewer: Tell us a few words about your team and the time that you have been active. J.R: We started as a team 1.5 month ago, in March, we already knew one another as friends, we’ve danced a lot together, we had already built some friendships among us before and now we thought to do it […]
Apostolos Tzelettas: Your body can reach, what your mind believes.

To begin with, tell us the most important piece of advice you would give someone, that can act as a booster, as motivation? Apostolos Tzelettas: I think that the most important piece advice is not to compare yourself to others. For example, you may train many people at the same time and a new one comes […]
El Sistema: music rescuing children

Of all the wonders mankind has created on this planet, art is probably the most magical of all. With its magic wand it can touch upon all the people of this world, regardless of color, religion or nationality, and may change their lives for ever. During our everyday frenzy, we all try to save some […]
Amalia Kosmidou: Do it your way

Interviewer: How did you come up with the idea of teaching make-up classes to women with visual disabilities? Amalia Kosmidou: It was a combination of two things. First, I have always had this personal complaint, that cosmetics is so underrated as a science and art, because I believe that cosmetics is a field that combines science, art […]
Thanasis Passas: “I laugh at Greek football, I laugh at the current political stage, I laugh at education in our country”

From Wixers to TEDxAUTH, how did you cross that gap? T.P.: How did TEDxAUTH occur? I just woke up one day and I was in a merry mood and Stefanos texted me and I thought something along the lines of “aww sweet little University boy”. And I simply said yes, but I didn’t know it would […]