Mom, Mother, Mama

What do you love most about your mom? -How she is always there for me and how sometimes she puts my needs before her own. -The fact that she will accept and support everything even if she does not agree with my choice or all that comes with it. -Her kindness and thoughtfulness. -That she understands […]
Stuck cassette

I look around me; wheels that constantly move on the gray asphalt, to remind us of the never-ending “journey” of time. People are coming and going – who knows where to and how many times they have made this journey. Buses, always with their route marked, pass the same traffic lights, the same stops, the […]
Welcome to my TEDx Talk Ep.9: Playing with time

I don’t have time… I can’t make it… I should’ve done it when I could… I wish I had, but I never did… I’ve said or thought about these phrases thousands of times in my 22 years of existence and I’m sure I’m not the only one. I suppose that all of us have at […]