Stathis Kolias: In an Irrational Way, Stand Up Comedy and Law

Why did you decide to follow the law career path, since from an early age you discovered your inclination towards the arts? Stathis Kolias: To a certain degree because my family encouraged me to, because I would have a secure job. Considering that everything is a matter of perspective, do you experience a movie […]
A Scientist or an Artist?

Generally, in our daily lives, one can easily notice that we are surrounded by dipoles: light or darkness, day or night, warm or cold. A conventional dipole is that of art versus science. A division which is often promoted by society – and even by educational systems- how you may either become a scientist or […]
Elena Galifa: Pursue your goals, become what you dream!

What motivated you to quit your job and start fashion blogging during a time that Greece didn’t even know what blogging was? Elena Galifa: First of all, I considered it a challenge, something that really really interests me and it happened at a point in my life that I wasn’t feeling well with what I was […]
Ya impro: “This is improvisation”

As a group, you deal with the art of improvisation and you are directly connected to your audience. Has there been a time when your audience, rather than helping out, has made your performance considerably harder? Ya impro: I’m Kostandinos and this is Serafim, it has happened that there is someone in the audience who refuses […]