Amalia Kosmidou: Do it your way

Interviewer: How did you come up with the idea of teaching make-up classes to women with visual disabilities? Amalia Kosmidou: It was a combination of two things. First, I have always had this personal complaint, that cosmetics is so underrated as a science and art, because I believe that cosmetics is a field that combines science, art […]
Συγχρονισμός δεδομένων και ανθρώπων

In a world of different time and rhythm, where everyone stands at a different point in life looking towards the final destination, synchronized interaction with all those who happen to be next to you is rendered all the more important and open to discussion. The concept of time remains unassailable, reminding us the importance […]
Ya impro: “This is improvisation”

As a group, you deal with the art of improvisation and you are directly connected to your audience. Has there been a time when your audience, rather than helping out, has made your performance considerably harder? Ya impro: I’m Kostandinos and this is Serafim, it has happened that there is someone in the audience who refuses […]