Time counts

TW: mentions of mental illness (depression) I always believed in the importance of time in our lives. In its definitive part in everyone’s existence and in how uniquely it combines objectivity and subjectivity. How many days have we felt like they had 30 hours and how many felt like just a moment? And how many […]
AQ: Anno Quarantini Quarantine

A word that has invaded our everyday vocabulary so violently and brought up unprecedented changes in our global community. Nonetheless, at the beginning of 2020, to force millions of people into their homes to protect themselves from the coronavirus pandemic only seemed like a sci-fi movie script or a conspiracy theory. What happens during […]
Well begun is half done (?)

“Well begun is half done” said Plato and since then, the concept of beginning plays a vital role in everyone’s lives as a focal starting point which foreshadows the whole journey ahead. But what does begun and done actually mean in somebody’s life? Typically, most people believe that the “beginning” is unique and refers […]
Solo travelling: me, myself and I…

As the saying goes (or at least went), “You can have fun anywhere with some good company!” This is not the case of solo travelling, though, a new tendency that proves we can have fun on our own and creates a first-class opportunity to get to know ourselves better through our travels. Solo travelling […]
New Decade Resolutions: Utopian or feasible?

The decade is reaching its end and each one of us personally reviews the preceding ten years. Naturally, the decade of 2010 passed with less difficulty for some and more difficulty for others but there is room for improvement for everyone and each one of us personally knows how they would like to see themselves […]