Cynicism: Humour in Ill Health

When someone is messing with you and you feel a discomfort, a “twinge” inside of you, an internal anger, then they are probably making a cynical joke in order to convey to you a harsh -but always indirect- message. Of course, these types of “jokes” are not funny, although they are camouflaged as being such. […]

“Every man is his own chief enemy”

Yet another night comes, only to find me burning the midnight oil in a tight rope between obsessions and overreactions. My mind has turned disturbing. I give in, transforming into a pawn among them. I give in and surrender with no hesitation, no second thoughts, no restraints. An incriminating finger fluttering before my face, as […]

“Leave it for later, you’ve got time”

The clock’s pointers on the wall continue their journey and the minutes seem to run ceaselessly. When you turn your look in their direction, it’s like they perceive your presence, they run even faster. Music playing on the headphones and cell phone in hand to stop these thoughts. Studying does not progress but, at the […]

Codependency in personal relationships

Trigger warning: references to addiction, drugs Codependency is an insecure attachment style, in which the partners form very close connections to one another in an, arguably, very unhealthy way. It functions like an “invisible drug,” and the codependent person suffers in the same way a drug addict does. They may feel the withdrawal from the […]

An abyss is the human soul

Sensitive content warning: reference to mental illness The discussion around mental illness belongs to the special category of discussions we are reluctant to have. We are afraid to talk about it because we might say something wrong. We are afraid to think about it because we may not know enough. We are afraid to express […]

Final destination: “Eudaemonia”

Quite the timeless and timely concept is that of eudaemonia. A concept that’s been studied by many philosophers from early times. For the sake of unraveling the tangle of its comprehension, we will begin by “fragmenting” the word into its separate compounds: eu+daimōn, i.e good+spirit. According to Aristotle, eudaemonia represented a pleasant mental state, arising […]

The power of speech!

“The pen is mightier than the sword”; a ubiquitous proverb of our people that encapsulates the colossal power of language in just one little sentence. This saying has been recorded from the beginning of our history and has remained untouched since then, proving the timeless validity of speech over the years. A myriad of people […]

The other side of fear

TW: mentions of sexual abuse, rape These past few months, whilst in the peak of the pandemic, the country has been dreadfully witnessing a chain reaction of abolishing silence. The allegation of sexual abuse reported by Sofia Bekatorou, an Olympic champion, against a Sailing Federation official, whom she identified with ample courage, was the starting […]

“Spring itself is a product of man…”

The destructive cyclone Bhola —one of the biggest natural disasters over time— and a bloody war of independence composed the puzzle of the situation in Bangladesh at the beginning of the 1970s. The results were disastrous, with thousands of deaths and people in conditions of extreme poverty. Extreme poverty, as defined by the United Nations […]

Do you dream with your eyes closed or open?

Do you dream? If yes, when do you dream the most? When you’re asleep, or when you’re awake? I’ve always liked words with multiple dimensions. The type of words that harbour complexity, that make you wonder if they’re used in a metaphorical or literal way. On that note, the word “dreams” is truly multidimensional, since […]