Amalia Kosmidou: Do it your way

Interviewer: How did you come up with the idea of teaching make-up classes to women with visual disabilities? Amalia Kosmidou: It was a combination of two things. First, I have always had this personal complaint, that cosmetics is so underrated as a science and art, because I believe that cosmetics is a field that combines science, art […]

Elena Galifa: Pursue your goals, become what you dream!

What motivated you to quit your job and start fashion blogging during a time that Greece didn’t even know what blogging was? Elena Galifa: First of all, I considered it a challenge, something that really really interests me and it happened at a point in my life that I wasn’t feeling well with what I was […]

Ya impro: “This is improvisation”

As a group, you deal with the art of improvisation and you are ­­directly connected to your audience. Has there been a time when your audience, rather than helping out, has made your performance considerably harder? Ya impro: I’m Kostandinos and this is Serafim, it has happened that there is someone in the audience who refuses […]