Don’t forget World Children’s Day

20th of November: Universal day of children’s rights. A day that we all recall the need to protect and save the children of the world. Every single child. On this day, in 1989, the UN General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child and a 30 year anniversary is celebrated this year.
The Convention on the Rights of the Child is a document on human rights which is signed and approved worldwide. It has been validated by all the nations of the world, except the USA and Somalia while its 54 articles cover all issues on children’s rights and are divided into 4 parts:  Survival, Development, Protection, and Participation rights.
In spite of the validation of these international documents on children’s protection, many countries disregard such measures and millions of children continue to suffer due to poverty and lack basic school education, hundreds of millions are experiencing tragic war conflicts and financial chaos and dozens of thousands are wounded and have fallen victims of war. These numbers should function as a halt to the complacent mind.
Human rights – especially children’s – is not an issue we can ignore.  We live in a world that keeps changing and reforming and children’s protection is more and more needed every day. What is our goal supposed to be? That all the children of this world go to school, attend lessons and always stay safe in the process. All those children that have been removed from their families, from school or their countries should be given new roof over their heads –metaphorically and literally. Unfortunately the list doesn’t end here.
Neither is this a perfect world nor could we solve everything in a single day, but it is right to know all those numerous actions which help children, all the children of the world, to continue to follow their dreams and hopes and not to forget their rights, because we didn’t either. So you note this date. Note it to remember the date you too decided to help.
We shouldn’t forget or neglect the fact that children are the living proof of the future and they are the ones who give us hope that one day, maybe, this world may change for the better.


Translation: Niki Saridaki

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