
The phoenix is a mythical creature that has the ability of being reborn out of its own ashes. When about to die, this eagle-like bird surrounds itself with fire and burns itself to ashes. Out of these ashes emerges a new reborn phoenix, ready to live again. Except this unique ability, there is only a single phoenix in existence. This makes it mortal, as it eventually dies, and immortal as it is always born again. Similarly to the legend of the phoenix, every end signifies a new beginning. For numerous cultures it symbolizes rebirth; it is the new life that arises after a disaster. For us in TEDxAUTH, it is the motive power of man to overcome hardships and becoming stronger and stronger. The TEDx 2020 talks / The TEDx talks of 2020/ The 2020 TEDx Talks share the core idea of human strength and aspiration for progress, for rebirth, for the right motive to help you overcome any obstacle that stands in your way. Using the allegory of the phoenix, we aim to discover ways of growth and development through multiple layers of life and of everyday life. The myth of the phoenix inspires the individual to re-discover their contemporary self while aiming for tomorrow.