“Inertia is the resistance of any physical object to any change in its velocity.” This phrase makes us understand that inertia has to do with the absence of movement in anything happening around us.
“Each force causes a reaction.” Newton’s phrase, one of the most important laws in physics, claims that our every action (force) causes some kind of impact (reaction) on us and the people around us. Force is related to any action or energy concerning us as one single unit or as a member of a community. In that way, when we move from inertia to action, we encounter many stages of development.
But let’s leave aside the definitions for a bit and look at this matter as a whole. Inertia is a situation someone’s in when they remain uninvolved, when they don’t contribute in any way to their personal and/or social life. They do nothing for it, either by choice or by ignorance. Many times, we found ourselves idle in a situation, because essentially, we don’t know the reason why we shall act. On the other hand, we choose not to act because we are aware of some things. What should we do, though, in both circumstances, to pass from the stage of inertia to that of action?
Many times, in life, we need to trust our instinct or intrinsic force. Any change that supervenes our life will make waves in our routine. While being idle, something will change and a new situation will be created, in which our force will determine lots of things. So, we need to face something different. We’ll escape our comfort zone. We’ll enter a completely different world view. Gradually, a new change will arise in our personality, something totally new. A different element will contribute to the composition of our personality.
How will this come and “nest” inside us? The instant change will generate this starting force for action to come. Then, action will begin at that exact moment. At the moment when you think about something different, when you do something different than before. You used to live in your idle world and you finally did something to change that. You went one step ahead; you moved on and made a change.
So, that stage you overcame and reached a force brought something new and essentially changed something you thought to be static up until now. You didn’t know or maybe didn’t think about that change happening to you. This force and/or the subsequent possible change might not be of utmost importance, but it’s decisive for change to come. For something other than your usual routine to exist. You did something for your personal moral satisfaction and since your force will shift your mood, you’ll feel unprecedented feelings you’ve never felt before.
“Even the posset separates if not stirred.” This phrase, told by the ancient Greek historian Heraclitus, referring to some sort of skilly, highlight how much force outweighs its reaction, and its special importance on the realization of different processes.
Photography by Simeon Maniatis (@simos_maniatis)