How can you tell if aperson is more mature than another? Obviously, you would not try to compare an elementary school student with a university student, but people with an age difference of one to two decades maximum. But once again, you may notice many differences in the way people deal with events, in their own every-day life and in advice they may give.An important factor is of course the experiences everyone acquires over time.
What if everything is a matter of perspective, however? What if everything is solely related to the influences shaped according to the individual’scharacter?
If we take this as principle, it is proven that no matter how many experiences someone has acquired and despite everything they have lived through, these alone do not necessarily add up to a mature personality. This is because in the end, they might not have learned anything, said anything and advised or pointed out anything, or never have implanted any of these traits in their own every-day life and reality. But when we deal with a matter of varying perspectives, opinions, influence and characters, things may be slightly but remarkably differ.
A person might have lived their whole life in a city, without travelling and without experiencing any important events in life. Maybe they haven’t even attended a university. I do not disagree with the notion that whatever someone does if they choose to do it,such as studies, for example, would be greatly beneficial. In spite of this they might be able to advise, help and give life lessons to someone, in a much better way than someone with a degree or with a lot of professional experience.
In conclusion, who would you define as mature? Or, who would you consider more mature than whom? The way someone thinks, acts and perceives things, even people’s movements, plays a very big role in this. How a character processes simple things is in many cases more remarkable than experience itself.
Translation: Miltos Bizios
Review: Niki Saridaki