How often do you put your life in “little boxes”?

Box 1: Go to the Grocery Store.
Box 2: Study  
Box 3: Go to class
Have you ever put “boxes” in your life? Do you schedule your time? Or do you leave everything to its fate? Are you organized, i.e. do you like to organize your time daily in order to be able to process a lot of things which you need to do during your day?
Time is relevant for all of us. Each of us face it differently and set goals with different criteria. For many people there isn’t any scheduling in their lives. For others, their entire life is a schedule. For some people, while they do set a schedule, they can never stick to it. We are the ones who set a schedule in our lives, so we understand that this comes from ourselves, it has nothing to do with anyone else apart from us. As an exemption to the above rule is something that we are obliged to do it, no matter what. Although speaking in general, we create our schedule according to our daily lives and the things we have to do.
The American writer on self-help Stephen Covey says: “The key is not to put priorities into your schedule, but to organize your priorities”. This is a phrase which helps us to understand the true value of a schedule. There is no reason to have a program which practically doesn’t exist. So, the point is to create priorities which once organized, if you like to organize, you actually do them.  It is important to be able to create something and support it properly or at least go for it, so that the result justifies your effort. At this phase, your willingness and your goal are the two basic elements to use in order to create your own schedule.
Let’s talk about willingness and targets. These two elements are relevant with us, they are totally personal and they differ among people. When talking about willingness we are thinking of how much we want or in what extent we are willing to create and fulfill a program. The power of our willingness determines our fulfilling procedure. If you really want something, you can do it.
When we talk about target we think of something we want to achieve and feel the satisfaction that follows or in general to feel fulfilled and complete with what we have achieved. So our psychology and our self-confidence change and we feel able to process a whole series of procedures. But several times a lot of excuses appear by the first mistake or failure. Something like that though should not happen, as the power of our willingness and the goal we set are much more important than anything else.
In every case we should not forget the possibility of the unexpected or of situations that we are not able to control. Life hides many difficulties during our everyday-lives and many things that you can’t totally control. Sometimes we do everything we can in order to stick to the plan but this isn’t enough and a lot of gaps occur. The important is to try to keep in “order” some of our “mess”.  We need to consider that because there are a lot of people which don’t have a particular plan and everything evolves in front of them without boxes and further elaboration. 
There are many possibilities on each case. There isn’t a wrong or right answer to this matter. “Everything is flowing” said the great historian Irakleitos, everything is flowing into our lives, and they don’t depend always on our moves. 
So, organizing should be a part of our lives in case we need it but in the extent that we can control it. Not everything depends on humans and that’s why we should not get mad when something doesn’t go the way we wanted, but we shouldn’t stop on the first failure or success either. We should try daily to get better and learn from our mistakes, so we should not consider it as a mistake but as a lesson to move forward. Undoubtedly, our effort and our willingness for organizing is very important for our lives.

Trnaslation: Agni Gkoutziamani

Review: Niki Saridaki

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