On Fridays we Love Issue 7: Natassa Bofiliou

The bright days are here· not now that the song is performed but way earlier, in 2005 when Natassa Bofiliou first appeared in the field of Greek art music.

Powerful and authentic with her ethereal complexion and her everlasting smile, the blonde tornado is now -alongside her musical brothers, Gerasimos Evangelatos and Themis Karamouratidis- an integral piece of our everyday playlists. En lefko, Folegandros, Protes Lekseis, Koita Ego, Ego Milao Gia Dinami and many more songs that we often whisper with our morning coffee or during a walk at the beach or at our night gatherings confirm that Natassa is not a performer of just one song. Her collaborations with significant names of the industry are countless, with songs and performances beside artists such as Eleonora Zouganeli, Haris Alexiou and Thanos Mikroutsikos. She herself has stated that she couldn’t imagine herself in any other job besides that of the singer, although she did study at the department of Political Science and Public Administration of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

Taking a stand comes with a price that we’re willing to pay because a better world is what we’re fighting for. 

A versatile and energetic person that expresses their opinion for a multitude of issues, indifferent to the consequences this could cause professionally. Moreover, her fans, the result of a mutual choice, do perceive her intense social sensitivity. She conveys her liberal concerns unchained from those stereotypes and prejudices that restrain not only the recipients but also their bearers. She stands against all those things that contribute to an unfree society. This is one of the reasons that, even as a child she changed schools a lot of times trying to find this environment that would embrace her free spirit.

She has the name you give her. The face you identify her with. Because there is this great lyric “call me love no matter what my name is”, which talks about all the things that people try to do: to rise up their souls, to feel free, to feel moments of happiness and completion. 

They’re not a few songs by Natassa Bofiliou that are considered odes to the emotional world, expressions of love, fraternal or maternal, and even odes to romantic love as well. Who else could attribute this divine emotion in such a favorable way that Bofiliou does that it makes you think that she inspires light through her smile and optimism. She herself also celebrates the bright side of love through her song Folegandros with the incredible lyric “Never again have I felt that I took back as much as I gave”, enclosing everything that most of the time we are not able to express.

A tribute to a person who helped us feel a bit stronger, a bit more authentically, to a person that gives us breath, melody and substance in every weak or powerful moment of ours thanks to their light. To Natassa Bofiliou that interprets everything that we often want to say and allows us to dedicate it to our people or even to ourselves. 



1.ΣΚΑΙ TV, The dot (2021, 25 Σεπτεμβρίου), τηλεοπτική εκπομπή, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqJ4xI475P0&ab_channel=SKAI.gr

2.Alpha Κύπρου, Τετ-α-τετ (2021, 21 Φεβρουαρίου), τηλεοπτική εκπομπή, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5a62LjbNWA&ab_channel=Alpha%CE%9A%CF%8D%CF%80%CF%81%CE%BF%CF%85

3.Monopoli.gr, Ειρήνη Ζαβιτσάνου (2022, 1 Ιουνίου), Συνέντευξη, (https://www.monopoli.gr/2022/06/01/people/584411/natassa-mpofiliou-thelo-na-statho-sti-sosti-pleyra-tis-istorias-akomi-ki-an-xaso-ta-pronomia-pou-exo-apoktisei/

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