Phoenix: The dawn of a new start

We all know what a phoenix is, the most well-known bird of mythology, which surrenders to its flames to be reborn through its ashes to a new life. What is the phoenix for us though? How do we see the creation of human imagination turn into something true in our own lives? It may involve a decision we’ve made, no matter whether it was big or small; it may be an emotional break-down that we’ve gone through or a traumatizing experience that stigmatized us for life. Or maybe it’s absolutely nothing! Maybe it is only a strong desire for change, a rebirth. This is the exact desire which leads us to the creation of the phoenix myth.

Every myth represents a small part of human reality and functions as a moral lesson for people. It stems from our need to understand the world in depth and embrace it with a little more hope. Therefore, the myth of the phoenix among others, inspires us to believe in our powers and be transformed into a new person, different from the one we’ve been so far. After each “circle of life” we go through, we transform to a new version of ourselves, new and independent from the previous one, which, however, always holds a part of us, a common core. Besides, in the myth, there is always a single living phoenix who gives rise to the next one after it turns to ashes.

“Phoenix”, a word originating from the ancient Egyptian language, means crimson. It is the same as the color of the creature respectively. Crimson or red embodies the passion of men and the desire for life and creation. One could say it is the most appropriate color for the message the allegory gets across. After all, the symbol of the phoenix was used for the first time for the different religions of ancient civilizations to satisfy their believers’ need to be rescued and reborn. This symbol’s strength, instead of fading through the ages, was reinforced and it reappeared in many attempts of spiritual awakening of the peoples.

However, this symbol has a universal as well as a personal meaning for each one of us. In this time and age, with all our problems and all our comforts, we all ask for the reassurance that change is possible and that there is always the possibility for a new start. Surely, this new start isn’t always peachy keen. Nevertheless, the point is not to solely survive but to be able to live through and get over our mistakes, our misfortunes and hardships. A new start means new experiences, new dreams and second chances. It is very normal to be scared of the unknown, but we should not let fear ever get a hold of us.

TEDxAUTH 2020, as a haven of new ideas, has chosen the fictional creature Phoenix as this year’s theme to inspire people to dare to deconstruct themselves and be reconstructed as new beings. It is an allegory so ancient but at the same time so everlasting and contemporary.

After all, “you must be ready to burn yourself in your own flame; how could you rise anew if you have not first become ashes?” –Nietzsche


Translation: Niki Saridaki

Review: Miltos Bizios


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