Regeneration (or Anagennisis in Greek) is the third and final stage (after the archetype and momentum) of a dynamic procedure which leads to evolution. Regeneration is a complex notion with various nuances and a special meaning for everyone. At TedXAuth we define regeneration as some kind of evolution, renewal and bloom which happens inside of a person and results in the person itself. It is about a spiritual transformation or turn towards the light and towards any bright layer of this world or of ourselves.
But, what does light really mean? And how do we really know we have reached it? Nonetheless, this cannot have a sole answer. This is where the human factor comes in, every answer is subjective. And that’s how it should be. Because evolution is defined differently by each one of us, depending on the circumstances, our personality, our experiences and much more. It is not necessary to be in the darkness in order to reach it, you might as well be in half-light or just close to it. Regeneration bothoriginates and does not originate from decay. In any phase of your life, you are capable of evolving.
What matters is light, having made an effort, gone a step closer, changed and renewed the conditions and the circumstances of your life, stepping out of your comfort zone and being tested. You have tasted the feeling of rejuvenation, evolution, both moral and spiritual. This internal, at first, “reformation”, and afterwards, external, offers you unprecedented feelings, fills you with strength and optimism, satisfaction and determination.
You have reached your goal, you have struggled for it, you’ve transcended the limits and your own self, you hurt, but you made these chainswhich keep you tied to any meaningless, dull and painful reality, which you’ve been aiming to get rid of for so long break. Nevertheless, you made it! You got over it and you are in a new reality, your own, which you created with your own sweat. Do not back down, you are the head of yourself, you did it and you owe yourself a reward! Do it, feel free to sense all those emotions of content which overwhelm you, let yourself free to taste success.
And success it will be. Do not ask yourself if you made it. Success has already started since your first step, from the desire to get out of the situation which made you not recognize yourself. You have already discovered another self, the one which lusts for life and creativity. But you have to keep in mind the following: regeneration does not only happen once, and this iswhat makes it so special. We have all hit a wall at times. And it is acceptable to constantly seek a change, to consecutively experience regenerations after periods of stagnation or inertia. Let yourself choose when to burn and when to be born anew. Our life is an endless search of regenerations and transformations. After every new “transformation” you are not the same. Do not be afraid! Embrace your renewed soul and feed it with courage, patience, strength and hope!
The notion of our own regeneration does not have to do as muchwith revival. The past is not the final goal.Sometimes the experiences of our past may potentially help us build our future, give us some sense of direction. However, the goal of regeneration is not to relive the same situations, but through those, to build something new. To create it, evolve with it and thus evolve yourself. It is about a new experience, a deep desire for innovation and replacement of worn out and deadlock situations. What matters is to get out of your shell, go away from where you don’t have fun, be a new Alexander who will untie or at least try to untie every new Gordian knot which he will come across. We people exist to set and transcend our limits. “Either we will find a way, or we will make one” Annivas said, because there are no limits at what human will want and aim for. Therefore, get out of your ashes, gather your pieces and like a phoenix open your wings towards your own regeneration and bliss! Let the fire within you show the way! And remember, “It’s a long way to heaven[\[1\]](#_ftn1)…”
Translation: Miltos Bizios
Review: Niki Saridaki
[\[1\]](#_ftnref1) Taken from the title of MaroulaKliafa’s book with the same name.