The Welcome Party

We have talked several times about the concept of volunteering and what it offers us both on a societal and personal level. However, we have never explained the exact nature of being a volunteer at TEDxAUTH, which to be honest goes far beyond what you see on social media! That’s why we are here to give you a little glimpse and guide you into the magical world of volunteering at TEDxAUTH.


So, on the evening of March 1st, besides spring, we welcomed all the new members of TEDxAUTH at our favorite In House Project. On that day, in this very special place, in this amazing atmosphere, we welcomed the newest members of our TEDx family, our full of creativity and energy volunteers! We saw the spark in their eyes, we felt the fire in their hearts and the passion that is characteristic of everyone in this team. We can now be truly proud of how far we have come and of how many people want to contribute to make what we have been working on for months a reality.


However, we weren’t the only ones there to welcome the newest members of this family, but also everyone who has been part of TEDxAUTH didn’t miss the chance to come and generously offer their advice and knowledge to our new companions in this journey.


We got to know each other, danced, and officially declared the start of a very intense period. A period filled with productive stress, excitement, and a lot of work to turn the vision of this year’s TEDxAUTH into reality. But, above all, a period with new creative voices, with a new energy given by all of you who have now joined our family begins. And we can’t help but feel deeply grateful for your existence and be there to help you every step of the way!


It’s this magic of a new beginning, the charm of meeting strangers that will turn our new best friends by the end of this journey, the warmth of giving and being dedicated to a single cause… A cause that is common to all of you new companions in this journey, but also unique to each one of you. It’s this feeling of belonging in a team, of being among people who understand me and embrace the same ideas, of being one of the pieces that make up the bigger picture and without you, my dear volunteer, this picture would be incomplete!


So, a toast to this new beginning, to this extended family, to this new era, to the final stretch of TEDxAUTH 2024!

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