What would it sound like if someone told you to leave your job and occupy yourself with something that is made entirely by you? If whatever you did was not standardized based on rules and the required certifications but based on your own inspiration and passion? Definitely strange. Nevertheless, we could in no case exclude it as a possibility…
Nowadays, working is a luxury. Someone who has a job may not feel good about what they do every day. Welcome to the world of insanity. Generally, humans started working because of the need to do something productive but also in order to make money so that they make ends meet. These days, we have accomplished living in order to work and not in order to make our jobs a productive part of our lives. This is not the case with creative occupation.
When we talk about creative occupation or, in other words, made by you (Do It Yourself) or however we may name it, we talk about the way in which someone can combine their job with a creative lifestyle and make money out of it. These creations vary and are not something specific. They may start with necklaces and bracelets with colorful threads and pearls and go to pillows for your living room with different fabrics and designs. Usually, when someone starts getting involved in this field, they may have absolutely no idea what they are doing. Their various stimuli may have come from the internet, social media or even someone they know that is involved in something similar.
Hence, we can understand that this kind of occupation is completely different from all the rest, because it combines work with the creativity we all, more or less, have within us. So, as a job, each one of us can do it. The key to happiness, as with every job, is that it must be done with a lot of love and determination. A handmade accessory is beautiful because you can see that somebody tried to instill all their passion and creativityin it so that it has more beauty and its own identity. Anything handmade has a unique personality through which the creator’s style is reflected.
In addition, this job is great proof that what you choose to study at the age of 18 is not necessarily what you will forever be occupied with and what you always live by. Consequently, we should not beat ourselves up if we weren’t accepted in the school we wanted, because even if we graduate from the school we were accepted in, we might not be occupied in this field. If what we do doesn’t fulfill us, we have to find something that suits us perfectly and no one, under no circumstances, should impose their opinion on us. Much less our parents who want the best for us and love us no matter what. After all, the moment when we are obliged to make a decision about our future is not the final one that will determine what we will be doing for the rest of our lives.
Moreover, like in every aspect of life, in this job also, things might not come the way we initially expected. However, having persistence and patience is the key to going ahead with this job as well. So we had better not get wrapped up in whatever difficulty might come up and say that we are stuck in a huge dead-end. Life is full of difficulties. The point is finding solutions that can bring you out of a difficult situation and learning from it. So, this also is a job with difficulties and unpredicted obstacles, since the creator is completely involved with their creations.
So, handmade work is constantly winning more and more fans. If you think you have an inclination for this field, don’t hesitate to get started!
Translation: Asimenia Chliara
Review: Niki Saridaki