A song, a moment…

Since being inside the womb, we hear our mother and father talking to us, confiding to us their dreams for our future, their worries, their impatience to meet and hold us in their arms. But, more than anything else, we hear them singing softly and melodically to us. This continues after birth with lullabies, games, and even birthdays. Plenty of our moments are given special meanings with a creation of music and lyrics. How many times have you been with friends and, by putting on a song, the moment becomes more beautiful than ever? I am sure that they are not few and that they continue to increase.

Many people have spoken thoroughly and scientifically about music. Music therapy is a brilliant example through which scientists try to improve the organization and state of physical and emotional health. It is important that this treatment knows no social, cultural and financial boundaries! It applies to everyone. Why aren’t there discrepancies and hesitations about whether music can help any human being?

The answer to this question lies before us. The music accompanies – or rather “co-exists” – with the song. And song is what we interact with from the beginning to the end of our lives. And this is something that we feel is ours, even if we don’t know why exactly this happens. All of this is as magical as the results it brings about. Let me paint a picture. You listen to some certain singer and they happen to be holding a concert in your city. You run to book a ticket with great impatience and when you do it, the relief is so great, but the joy prevails. The glorious day, the day of the concert comes. You are in the room getting ready humming your favorite song by the artist. You start for the concert and think what a great time you’re going to have. You arrive and it’s very crowded. Somehow it just happens, and you start a conversation with the stranger next to you: about how you found out about the concert or the artist, about what your favorite song is, about your lives, your interests, mutual acquaintances you might have – exclaiming “what a small world!”. And in this crowd, two people unknown to each other are no longer strangers. Time passes and the concert begins. Each song feels your own, for different reasons. You both sing so loud, so alive. The whole town hears you and you don’t care, because at that moment something irresistibly inexplicable happens. You become one and this one song becomes your moment, your union. And this union is not forgotten but is etched indelibly in your memory and becomes a part of you.

You see how many emotions come out with the song. You see how it unites us, calms us, excites us. In short, it gives us the opportunity to live every moment with intensity and passion. The truth is, then, that music penetrates our moments in a way that is incomprehensible to us. But maybe this is exactly what makes it so special for us, don’t you think?

Author: Iliana Iliadou

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