About motivation and other demons

Lately, I have been truly concerned about this issue. I observe the people around me: the ones who declare themselves multi-taskers, others whom I have in my mind linked to a particular project, a group. What is it that motivates them?
At this time and age, when constant evolution is demanded, it is not difficult for someone to answer. The practice of dealing with different subjects, enriching your CV with experience and skills in a job market that requires more and more qualifications every day is often a sufficient motivation. Everyone can think of a program, a conference, a workshop in which they worked simply because it was beneficial, rather because of interest. However, adopting a vision – a special bond with an idea, is a much more complex and undoubtedly more laborious process.
This is because you devote more than your time or mind. You dedicate yourself, your mood, your creativity. The impact that this idea makes becomes your personal success and your motivation to work even harder to see it through. The thought itself that you work for a purpose, that is not going to offer you immediate material benefits, grants you a sense of fulfillment.
To the hypothetical question “which people do you consider capable?” my answer would be: “those who really know their virtues and weaknesses. Those who have discovered their inclinations and are trying to reach perfection through it.”  And the reason is simple. The satisfaction you experience when you serve goals and values that you love is incomparable.
Can you spend endless hours in Photoshop until you get the ideal result? Are you dreaming of the moment you finish first in all those races you have been preparing for? You have found motivation, which inspires you to move forward, to evolve.
There is only one thing to be concerned of now: not to lose it.

Translation: Agni Gkoutziamani

Review: Niki Saridaki

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