Body shaming: a common bullying technique

Body shaming is known as the tendency of people to criticize others or even themselves based solely on their appearance. It has always been a thing, but in modern times, especially through the extensive use of social media and the subsequent provided anonymity, this phenomenon is in a bigger outbreak and that’s why it’s a […]
Resilience: our shield against adversities

During the modern times of uncertainty, rapidity and interminable as well as bottomless changes, a sense of insecurity is often created. The technological complexity, the existing socio-economic problems of contemporary society and the unexpected incidents that arise, provoke upheavals and complicate people’s living conditions. The generalized situation of social detachment, isolation and intense restriction we […]
An ode to women

The latest developments in Greek society currently, as women are sharing their experiences, being in the spotlight of the #me_too movement, but also as the general public obscenity of gender-based discrimination is established, demonstrate the issues haunting women even today. It’s evident that gender equality is now considered to be a dire necessity more than […]
Act Two: “Techne”

There are thousands of thoughts in our minds that are eager to “come to life.” Among them ideas, visions, goals, intangible concepts are waiting to be accomplished. Waiting… what are they waiting for? Or rather who? Nurtured by us, clearly we are who they’re waiting for. It may seem easy to set a goal for […]
The self-doubt pandemic

How many times have we all wondered, “Am I good enough?”, “Am I pretty enough?”, “Am I smart enough?”, “Am I sociable enough?”. These doubts, beginning like this, often develop later into frequent self-doubt and to the formation of the belief of not being enough. Not being enough for this job, not being enough for […]