What is the purpose of my existence?

The human brain processes and filters more than 70,000 thoughts in a day, including memories, future plans, emotions, stress and much more. The repeated and constant reminiscence of the past, fantasizing about the future, and the questions raised about the present is an everyday thing for many people. Indeed, it is human nature to constantly […]
+1 chromosome… benefit and not a dissadvantage

Living in a world of image and appearance, we have an absurd demand from others – but also from ourselves – to be perfect in everything we do. Anyone who deviates from this so-called “perfection” and excellence, is automatically excluded from social events. What we forget though, is that none of us is truly “perfect” […]
Stuck cassette

I look around me; wheels that constantly move on the gray asphalt, to remind us of the never-ending “journey” of time. People are coming and going – who knows where to and how many times they have made this journey. Buses, always with their route marked, pass the same traffic lights, the same stops, the […]
Welcome to my TEDx Talk Ep.9: Playing with time

I don’t have time… I can’t make it… I should’ve done it when I could… I wish I had, but I never did… I’ve said or thought about these phrases thousands of times in my 22 years of existence and I’m sure I’m not the only one. I suppose that all of us have at […]
Welcome to my TEDx Talk Ep.6: Your smile breathes new life into me

During our first seconds on this earth, one would say something completely strange happens. The moment the doctor holds you in his arms and announces your birth, everyone will only wish for one thing: for you to cry. And that time will probably be the only time, in your entire later life, that everyone will pray that […]