Others’ opinions are simply others’ opinions!

Plentiful potential personalities coexist inside us. How have they been created? Who has implanted them? What problems do they cause? How can we gradually discover and reconcile them so as not to obstruct our daily routine? Since the moment we were born we receive stimuli from our close environment. Obviously, our family is the most […]

What does it mean to be alive?

Many a time my mum has seen me spend hours and hours in from of the computer writing stories or articles or there are cases when I refused to go out with friends because I was reading an interesting book or watching a series. My mother as well as my friends strongly complain that I don’t spend enough time […]

Michalis Stagos: Come out on Top, in a World Full of Obstacles

Through your organization (Industry Disruptors Game Changers) you represent ideas which touch upon the fields of entrepreneurship, technology and innovation. Does Greece really possess the necessary background to invest in the development and growth of such fields? Michalis Stagos: First and foremost, Greece possesses the basic ingredient, which is talent. There are many talented people, very capable minds […]