Freedom of Speech 101-

It’s striking how in a democratic society, in the year 2021, there must be texts dedicated to freedom of speech. What has gone wrong and in our times we question freedom of speech in the society we have created? Have you ever had difficulty expressing your opinion freely because of fear that the state apparatus […]
Adapting to knowledge

(this picture is part of the #TakeMyMask movement created by illustrators on Instagram in an attempt to show respect to all health workers and it portrays superheroes symbolically giving away their masks to the real heroes) Technology, Entertainment & Design are what TED stands for. And I wonder how I could create an aesthetically and aurally pleasing […]
How many dreams can you fit in your life?

How many times have you caught yourself daydreaming? How many times have you wished you were elsewhere, with someone else etc.? And as soon as you come back from this little break from reality, you sigh and keep handling your everyday tasks which you ought to accomplish. You keep surviving. But that does not […]
How addicted are you?

Love creates activity in a very small part close to the brain base, as well as in some other cells. These specific ones generate dopamine (a natural stimulant), which is sprayed all over the brain. The small section of the brain where activity is found when someone is in love, is part of the brain’s […]