How many times have you caught yourself daydreaming? How many times have you wished you were elsewhere, with someone else etc.? And as soon as you come back from this little break from reality, you sigh and keep handling your everyday tasks which you ought to accomplish. You keep surviving.
But that does not mean that you mustn’t “squeeze in” your dreams and goals in your everyday routine. However, if you do not want to disappoint yourself, you have to make it right. And yes, there is a right and a wrong way. Or a way which works and a way which doesn’t to be more precise.

What I’m trying to do with big goals I set for myself, is breaking them down, a breakdown of a single goal into smaller pieces. And this is how everything I manage to “delete” gives me enough courage and strength to continue until the accomplishment of the ultimate goal. Otherwise, I might have never made it there, because it would seem like a long way until I reach this goal.
If we see from different methodological perspective, we can prioritize our goals and wishesso that we ultimately conclude to what we really wanted and what we simply thought we wanted, but even if this doesn’t happen, it will not influence us as much anyway. That’s where the Eisenhower tool can help us.
The EisenHower Matrix is a tool which prioritizes the tasks we are assigned to manage. From simple tasks until our dreams and wishes we note on our bucket lists. By splitting our tasks depending on their importance into important and not important and the need to be executed immediately into urgent and not urgent, if you put this tool into your everyday routine, you will realize what truly has value and what you just drag with you to eternity.
Thinking about what’s said above and leaving behind what slows us down from running towards our dream, let’s promise to ourselves that until the end of this year we will have helped ourselves feel more complete. Along with procrastination, let’s leave behind everything which does not make us feel ourselves deep inside, and which does not express us and let’s face those which make us discover ourselves by doing them. And if our bucket list is not finished, it doesn’t matter, because after all, the hunt for a goal or a dream is what urges us to get out of bed every morning.
Have a nice year!
Translation: Militos Bizios
Review: Niki Saridaki