Dear Self,
We don’t talk enough. I fail to remember our last discussion. I’ve neglected you. Most times I just choose silence. Maybe I don’t even pay any attention to you. Maybe I’ve never given you the respect, the admiration and the love you deserve. Maybe I’ve humiliated you and left you hanging, for people to step all over you and situations to crush you. It’s like I’m forgetting that you were, you are, and you’ll forever be on my side. My best friend yet sometimes perhaps my worst enemy.
Now I’m telling you all about those times I felt alone, when I was scared and hesitant and didn’t take any chances. I’m telling you all about the moments I wondered what’s right and what’s wrong, when I wavered between duty and desire. But also, all about the times I didn’t yield, but I kept on trying until I got it right. How I wish you would hear the words I’m telling you right now. Now, the past is gone, and the future is slowly starting to dawn. But it’s never too late. Examining the present through the cracks in the past, I realize that the mystical moment of confession has come. Listen to me carefully, then, for all those times that belong in the past, but even for those about to come:
-The excerpts below are answers I collected when asking people of different age groups what they would confess to their younger self-
M., 16 years old:
“Hey there, little M.,
I would like to tell you that it won’t all be easy for you. However, you’ll always experience happy moments, which will make your life more tolerable. It’s a wonderful world. It would be a shame not to take advantage of it. Think about the small and nice things of life and never let yourself give up.”
E., 22 years old:
“Dear young E.,
I want to tell you that you’ve done amazing. You’ve become strong and you’re finally starting to feel good in your skin. Please, stop worrying, all it did was hurt us. Always believe in yourself and your abilities. Don’t compare yourself with others and don’t worry about what they say. It’s something we’ll need to work on for a while, but slowly and steadily we constantly improve! Trust your beauty and uniqueness. I love you more than anyone, even if you don’t believe it.
Grown E.”
K., 21 years old:
“Where should I start from, little K., I’ve so much to share! First of all, things change. You’ll change your personality; you’ll lose some people and gain others and things will continue to change. It’s okay. Just accept it. Secondly, any knowledge you acquire will prove its worth. Every tiny thing will become part of your future identity. Dedicate some time to whatever your heart desires. Lastly, don’t take everything too seriously. We are used to seriousness, misery and gloom easier than we want to admit. Don’t get too comfortable in ugly spaces. That’s all from me.”
P., 27 years old:
“Never worry about the future. As much as you try, you can’t guess it correctly, but you can’t change it either. No one can. Life is so unpredictable. Don’t expect it to fulfil a certain purpose. Just live in the moment, cherish it and, trust me, everything is going to be fine!”
G., 47 years old:
“Take care of yourself and watch out for yourself, whatever that means. Don’t stop cultivating your mind and soul. Be certain about yourself, have faith and be confident. At the same time, listen to what the others advise you. Don’t obsess over them but examine them through your personal filters. And while you’re at it, don’t forget to envision the future, to foresee, to dream and hope. Don’t let anyone take those dreams and hopes away from you. And tomorrow will be a brand-new day.”
E., 75 years old:
“When you grow up, you’ll understand. You’re young and you make mistakes without realizing it. You’re working hard to fulfil my family’s needs. And in the end, even though we weren’t missing any money, we were missing other things. Simpler ones. We were missing games, chats, hugs, kisses and cuddles. So, let’s watch out and love the people next to us. Let’s communicate our feelings. That’s what matters in the end. Not money.”
D., 85 years old:
“Enjoy it now. Leave aside your duties, your responsibilities and your worries for a bit. You’ll have collected enough when you grow old. Don’t fill your young soul with that so early on. Leave some space for happiness.”
Unique people, different lives and significant words. Maybe you recognize pieces of your own self somewhere within them. Maybe you don’t. What would you say, though, to your younger self?
Photography by Symeon Maniatis