Συγχρονισμός δεδομένων και ανθρώπων

In a world of different time and rhythm, where everyone stands at a different point in life looking towards the final destination, synchronized interaction with all those who happen to be next to you is rendered all the more important and open to discussion.
The concept of time remains unassailable, reminding us the importance of our every move and action. We can’t rewind backwards as much as we wish we could, or run forward no matter the suspense.  Poor and rich all move around the same concept of time, a concept far too complex that we very often allow do all the work for us, since it is out of our control. The concept itself by definition is something that always simply slips through the cracks.
Time does not abide by people’s understanding of its essence and introduces a new topic, that of synchronization, on the basis of which great philosophies have been supported. Destiny, fortune, stoicism, and karma will move you like pawn to the right position, at the right moment.
Our every-day rhythm and tempo points to the “music “category that we fall belong to. Just like music, full education and cultivation of a person is achieved when time is spent on all of its different genre and types, which are different from our own tastes. We owe to act similarly towards people as well. Contrarily to popular belief, letting go of the accelerator pedal and taking in what you see around you, may cause an even more intense adrenaline rush. It is the point of a sudden flash of realizations which leads to an understanding of what you have been missing all that time that you had kept a steady pace in life.
Each one of us has a different sense of time at its different points in our life’s timeline. Perspective as a subsidiary concept, varies for each person. However, when two different perspectives synchronize and one transfers its information to the other, then those two perspectives, that used to be so secluded, different and definite, bent to reach communication. The relation of all these abstract concepts that surround our lives should not be neglected. Time, perspective and synchronization, have the tendency to be clearer when they are applied to inanimate things, such as information. Things get more complicated in their anthropocentric forms as they shape our ups and downs, our daily lives.
They say, it only takes a second for everything to change. This idea brings about both hope and terror. Whatever supports our lives is sensitive to time, leaving behind a solely a renewed perspective towards life.  If we were given the choice between a chair on which we could enjoy the moment and whatever we have got and achieved so far, or a door through which we would get to experience new and opportunities and challenges, we’d probably choose the latter. Let’s take this a step further though. We are in a hurry to open as many “doors” as possible in life as soon as they appear but these “doors” all have something in common: they all shut behind us. True meaning is in the time that we spend in each room, the people we meet there. If you are lucky and pay attention to each room, you can get that right timing and move on to the next room all together.

Translation: Niki Saridaki

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