Toxic habits

TW: mentions of mental instability

A word, depending on the context that is used in, conveys a variety of different meanings. At least that is the case with the word โ€œgapโ€. There is the gap in the universe, the gap between the words, the gap in an empty canvas, and these are just a few of its numerous meanings. In this article, the gap that is going to be discussed is the emotional, the one that is created inside us.

The emotional gap is not at all a rare phenomenon. During several moments in our lives, we may feel that something is missing. This is the reason why the natural reaction of our body is to cover this gap. So, when something like this happens, we resort to the search of new hobbies to spend our time productively. If our new finding satisfies us, we integrate it into our daily routine and balance it with the rest of our activities. Thereby we restore our intellectual and emotional stability. But what happens if the control is lost long before the right cure is found?

When control is lost, addiction is born. There is a fine line between the integration of a habit in our daily routine and its full assimilation in our lifestyle. The latter will eventually lead us to a much more dangerous path, where one simple habit turns into an addiction. Thus, a vicious circle of toxic behavior is formed and the person in question loses control of themselves. But how do they end up becoming a hostage of this tragic situation?

At first the harmful habit is satisfying. The sense left behind is pleasant and operates as a palliative for bad thoughts. The personโ€™s soul is covered by a safety veil and the gap, finally, appears to be covered. The following period seems ideal, since the foreshadowed fall is still unseen. And the moment comes when this habit is turned into a priority, overshadowing every other aspect of everyday life. The last stage signifies, finally, its dominance over the person.

All these catastrophic habits can be translated into forms of addiction. The most acknowledged forms of the last, the ones that donโ€™t need a trial to be accounted as harmful, form the addiction to substances and activities, such as alcohol, drugs, smoking and gambling. However, there are other, normal habits that can be evolved into addictions, equally harmful with the previous ones. Addiction to work, shopping, the internet, physical activity, religious worship, food. The list is endless, because every behavior that ends up being an obsession can be perceived as an addiction. However uncanny some cases may sound, they are totally real to the people who are experiencing them.

But how will we figure out whether someone or even ourselves are fallen victims of addiction? If you are wondering how it is possible not to acknowledge immediately a situation like this, bear in mind that not all people communicate their feelings with ease, especially when they feel that something is wrong.

A manifestation of addiction is the illusion that everything is going smoothly, and it isnโ€™t shaken without a try. However, it wonโ€™t take long for the consequences to appear at the forefront. Obligations will begin to be neglected and the person will close themselves off by abandoning their milieu. Detachment from the object of addiction will make more and more intense the desire of consumption and generally the usage of it. The emotions that overwhelm the person totally contradict the ones they hoped for when they were in the start line. Agony, monotony, boredom, guilt, stress, pain, fear of the future, shame and violent behavior are just a sample of the chaos that is created within their psyche, when the situation gets out of hand. In brief, addiction holds the power to shake a personโ€™s emotional but also physical health.

As pessimistic as all of the facts above may sound, the hope of recovery in normality must never be lost. Every case is different. Some cases can be handled quicker and others slower, of course, as long as the problem becomes perceivable. If while reading this article you detect that you or someone you know, a relative or a friend struggles with a situation like this, donโ€™t hesitate to ask for help. The first step is to speak with somebody, whether this person is a friend, or your family, or an expert and from there, everything can be solved. Because itโ€™s worth choosing how you will live without being captive by your own weaknesses.

Photography by Simeon Maniatis (@simos_maniatis)

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