Interview with the Mayor of Trikala, Dimitris Papastergiou

“I think with the strength and madness of the team you always find the strength to keep going.” Dimitris Papastergiou was born in 1973, studied Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens, was involved in radio, computer programs, and renewable energy sources. In 2002 and 2006 he was elected municipal […]
The rebirth of the Phoenix (TEDxAUTH pre-event)

“Phoenix: Rising from the ashes” was the theme of the TEDxAUTH 2021 Pre-event, which occurred virtually through a live stream on Saturday, April 10th for the lucky 100 participants that rushed to secure a “seat” through our form. However, due to the incredible response of our following, we decided to share our Pre-event with the broader […]
The curve that sets everything straight

Humans always acknowledge and interpret movements and stimuli around them, that allow them to react and plan their behaviour accordingly. They hear a lion’s roar and run away, they see their angry boss and hide, they notice their interlocutor smiling and they smile as well. There are many types of smiles. Picture-perfect smiles, smiles with […]
For Sofia Bekatorou and every other rape victim.

Trigger Warning: incidents of rape I never thought I’d be able to address issues that require special attention, such as those relating to abuse, physical and emotional violence, and many others. I always considered my words to be just waffle compared to the incident itself, as well as the victim’s own confession. However, motivated by […]
Staying alive

You clicked on this article today. Your day may be extraordinarily good, everything may be going the way you want it and you may be happy about it. On the other hand, you may have woken up on the wrong side of the bed, your day may be going in the wrong direction, you may […]
The Flight of the Phoenix

Regeneration (or Anagennisis in Greek) is the third and final stage (after the archetype and momentum) of a dynamic procedure which leads to evolution. Regeneration is a complex notion with various nuances and a special meaning for everyone. At TedXAuth we define regeneration as some kind of evolution, renewal and bloom which happens inside of […]
Learning to give

If you open up any dictionary on volunteering, it will give you more or less the following definition: “an altruistic activity where an individual or group provides services for no financial or social gain” . It’s not something you’ve never heard of before, or something you read for the first time. We all know what […]
To those we owe a Thank you to

Thank you is so hard to say, yet so necessary in human relations as Sorry, and I love you. Sometimes it’s so hard for us to thank somebody for their offering, for their support, for their general contribution in our lives, much more emotionally than practically. When discussing the concept of help, we can […]