Human bonds

Human bonds are complicated. No instruction manual guarantees their success, but neither is there an absolute system that will distinguish right from wrong before they are created. Some will be weak and break easily, while others are strong and last for years. Some bonds are created in an instant without us realizing it, while others […]
The pop culture empire

We often use the term pop culture, or popular culture, in our vocabulary, sometimes to impress our interlocutors with our knowledge, and other times to point out the most important issues, which concern humanity on a global scale. However, most of the time, we are not even aware of its huge impact on our lives. […]
Act One: “Aretē”

Imagine being at the starting point of a race. The referee marks the start and the race begins, but you remain idle. You might face many and different obstacles, but there is always a driving force to help you overcome them and reach your destination. As in our imaginary race, so in real life we, […]
And then, what?

We humans are very different from each other, yet many times our hopes and goals converge. This might happen because we receive similar stimuli or lessons from our social environment, but also because the interaction that we have with each other is a necessary criterion for survival. Of course, our goals mainly stem from our […]
Toxic habits

TW: mentions of mental instability A word, depending on the context that is used in, conveys a variety of different meanings. At least that is the case with the word “gap”. There is the gap in the universe, the gap between the words, the gap in an empty canvas, and these are just a few […]
5 TEDx talks, 5 Reconstruction talks

Many times in our lives we feel the need to make a new beginning, give ourselves a second chance. This change can be either small or large, but little does it matter. What is important is our will to achieve it. But what prevents us from making this decision? We are socialbeings, that is, thatwe […]
Phoenix: The dawn of a new start

We all know what a phoenix is, the most well-known bird of mythology, which surrenders to its flames to be reborn through its ashes to a new life. What is the phoenix for us though? How do we see the creation of human imagination turn into something true in our own lives? It may involve […]
Reality show: a reflection of our society?

Television is a conventional way of entertainment, as it beholds a place in every household for many decades now. But what makes it so attractive to its viewers? Undoubtedly, when switching on our TV, somewhere along all that surfing, on a random TV channel, there is at least one reality show on. The Greek […]
The power of new experiences

Imagine a world where everything was predetermined. Every day you would wake up in the same place, you would drink the same coffee, you would talk with the same people. Of course, you would be free from unpleasant surprises and you would not ever wonder again what the future holds for you. But, what would […]