Artemisia Gentileschi: A feminine Baroque touch

History is full of women’s cries drowned out… We do not forget, after all, all those women – even if we do not know who or precisely how many they were – whose achievements or skills have been forgotten, buried by the haughty gaze of patriarchy over the centuries. And probably there are so many […]

And if I cry, so what?

“Don’t cry”, “the man is the bearer of the house”, “you are a man, you are in charge”. These are just some of the expressions that ring in the ears of a little boy as he grows up, coming from both male and female figures in his social environment. Although they do not come as […]

Welcome to my TEDx Talk Ep.8: I am what I chose to be!

Who do you love the most? Mom or Dad? What do you want to be when you grow up? Which is your favorite animal? All of the above are different questions that our elders asked us when we were little children. These questions are connected in one thing only: we needed to choose before we could […]

Welcome to my TEDx Talk Ep.7: I can really fly!

Superpowers. A multidimensional phrase, ready to be interpreted in a completely different way by everyone. Without much effort, we find our thoughts drifting to many different things upon hearing it. A “warm” interpretation was given by N., who told us: “a superpower that could be useful in this world is an open heart. If we […]