The Welcome Party

We have talked several times about the concept of volunteering and what it offers us both on a societal and personal level. However, we have never explained the exact nature of being a volunteer at TEDxAUTH, which to be honest goes far beyond what you see on social media! That’s why we are here to […]

On Fridays we Love Issue 12: Methexis

“A word comes to mind; my favorite songwriter often uses it…” Efi broke the silence of thirty-two people who seemed to be staring kind of lost at the PowerPoint presentation with scattered words and questions. Nefeli and Katerina Ch. looked at each other for a moment, before turning back to Efi. “Whisper it to me, […]

Between stops

On a ride with public transport in a foreign country enjoying the reality I lived in those few days, I started observing the world around me and making assumptions about where all of this is heading, where it came from. My goal is to create a game in my mind to spend my time pleasantly […]

“Normal people”

Like ordinary people, Conell and Marianne taught us what love really means and how one learns to truly experience it, away from toxicity and pettiness. A love that begins in adolescence and whether or not it follows you into your later adult life, you know that it will always find a place to rest within […]

What is the purpose of my existence?

The human brain processes and filters more than 70,000 thoughts in a day, including memories, future plans, emotions, stress and much more. The repeated and constant reminiscence of the past, fantasizing about the future, and the questions raised about the present is an everyday thing for many people. Indeed, it is human nature to constantly […]

Walking around with “uncomfortable” feelings

I am starting to notice, as I get older, that us humans tend to push away, or rather try to completely erase, emotions that are not so positive. Anger, pain, sorrow, fear, despair, chaos. We embrace and seek only the feelings that bring us euphoria and security, both physically as well as in our soul. And […]

On Fridays we Love Issue 10 pt.1: The players

What does theater mean to you? (they laugh simultaneously) Ilias: My favorite kind of questions. What is theater? What is theater for you, Vasilis? Vasilis: Can you repeat the question please? I: Yes, I’m buying time so I can think. For me theater is something different depending on the moment you are in life. V: I like theater. I […]

On Fridays we Love Issue 10 pt.2: The Players

6. The show is characterized as a farcical comedy. Do you think this particular style in this story has the power to convey messages better than a different text style would? Following that, how much does humor and the comic element ultimately affect our approach to how we perceive everything that happens around us?  V: At […]

On Fridays we Love Issue 9: Antinoos Almpanis

Life is a beautiful gift…What matters is what you want out of life (3)  the actor declares with a smile. Antinoos Almpanis reintroduced himself through the successful show of Christoforos Papakaliatis, MAESTRO. Through this show we were given the opportunity to remember how we first met him in Agria Paidia, Mou leipeis, Dyo Meres Mono, Nisos, but also in his […]

The mirror society

07:00 am. The alarm goes off and after a lot of effort you decide it’s time to get up and drag yourself all the way to the bathroom in order to get ready for the tiring day ahead of you. So, as you’re standing in front of the mirror, you start observing yourself a bit […]