Act One: “Aretē”

Imagine being at the starting point of a race. The referee marks the start and the race begins, but you remain idle. You might face many and different obstacles, but there is always a driving force to help you overcome them and reach your destination. As in our imaginary race, so in real life we, […]

The Flight of the Phoenix

Regeneration (or Anagennisis in Greek) is the third and final stage (after the archetype and momentum) of a dynamic procedure which leads to evolution. Regeneration is a complex notion with various nuances and a special meaning for everyone. At TedXAuth we define regeneration as some kind of evolution, renewal and bloom which happens inside of […]

Momentum: The drive and the dynamics of your regeneration

You are at ground zero, at the point of utter inertia.You feel as if you are sinking in a dark crevice, where the rays of light seem now an unreachable utopia. But you can’t stop thinking about them. You can’t stop thinking of and desiring the light. And then, in most absolute silence, in the […]

Phoenix: The dawn of a new start

We all know what a phoenix is, the most well-known bird of mythology, which surrenders to its flames to be reborn through its ashes to a new life. What is the phoenix for us though? How do we see the creation of human imagination turn into something true in our own lives? It may involve […]

5 Talks that Changed Our Worldview

TED and TEDx – Ideas worth spreading. It’s such a simple phrase, yet it includes a multitude of opinions, ideas and thoughts. One would argue that TEDx is a collective effort to awaken the public, to reject the status quo, and to foster new ideologies. It’s the establishment of a new worldview! At this point […]

Stathis Kolias: In an Irrational Way, Stand Up Comedy and Law

Why did you decide to follow the law career path, since from an early age you discovered your inclination towards the arts? Stathis Kolias: To a certain degree because my family encouraged me to, because I would have a secure job.   Considering that everything is a matter of perspective, do you experience a movie […]

Apostolos Tzelettas: Your body can reach, what your mind believes.

To begin with, tell us the most important piece of advice you would give someone, that can act as a booster, as motivation? Apostolos Tzelettas: I think that the most important piece advice is not to compare yourself to others. For example, you may train many people at the same time and a new one comes […]

Plaza Ensemble: “We are here to make another proposal”

What prompted you to create your team? Plaza Ensemble: Our desire to engage in music, in collaboration with people who we can communicate with, and together bring the results of our work to the world.   You cover a wide range of music genres, from classical and jazz to Greek art music. Based on your experience, […]

Michalis Stagos: Come out on Top, in a World Full of Obstacles

Through your organization (Industry Disruptors Game Changers) you represent ideas which touch upon the fields of entrepreneurship, technology and innovation. Does Greece really possess the necessary background to invest in the development and growth of such fields? Michalis Stagos: First and foremost, Greece possesses the basic ingredient, which is talent. There are many talented people, very capable minds […]