From inertia to action.

“Inertia is the resistance of any physical object to any change in its velocity.” This phrase makes us understand that inertia has to do with the absence of movement in anything happening around us. “Each force causes a reaction.” Newton’s phrase, one of the most important laws in physics, claims that our every action (force) […]
How often do you put your life in “little boxes”?

Box 1: Go to the Grocery Store. Box 2: Study Box 3: Go to class Have you ever put “boxes” in your life? Do you schedule your time? Or do you leave everything to its fate? Are you organized, i.e. do you like to organize your time daily in order to […]
15th February: International Childhood Cancer Day

For those who experience it, cancer is a difficult situation. But has it ever crossed our minds that also children hide behind these percentages? Children, who by definition have a fragile psyche and are not aware of many things in life, are dealing with this painful experience. According to the World Health Organization, […]
Working as a Hobby

What would it sound like if someone told you to leave your job and occupy yourself with something that is made entirely by you? If whatever you did was not standardized based on rules and the required certifications but based on your own inspiration and passion? Definitely strange. Nevertheless, we could in no case exclude […]