The mirror society

07:00 am. The alarm goes off and after a lot of effort you decide it’s time to get up and drag yourself all the way to the bathroom in order to get ready for the tiring day ahead of you. So, as you’re standing in front of the mirror, you start observing yourself a bit […]
The power of giving and volunteering

From a very young age, I remember myself sharing things, thoughts, ideas and opinions without expecting anything in return. Something like this may sound selfish and in today’s society – which is in decay in many areas – to give without receiving seems ideal, however, it is an attitude that I have adopted in recent […]
Failure or second chace?

Sunday, 7:27 p.m., Central Library of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, in the middle of the exam period. The scene is quite familiar: heads bent over books, computers, and notebooks, determined to achieve their goal, which is none other than getting through another exam. When I look at these faces, though, do you know what […]
Welcome to my TEDx Talk Ep.8: I am what I chose to be!

Who do you love the most? Mom or Dad? What do you want to be when you grow up? Which is your favorite animal? All of the above are different questions that our elders asked us when we were little children. These questions are connected in one thing only: we needed to choose before we could […]
Welcome to my TEDx Talk Ep.7: I can really fly!

Superpowers. A multidimensional phrase, ready to be interpreted in a completely different way by everyone. Without much effort, we find our thoughts drifting to many different things upon hearing it. A “warm” interpretation was given by N., who told us: “a superpower that could be useful in this world is an open heart. If we […]
Welcome to my TEDx Talk Ep.6: Your smile breathes new life into me

During our first seconds on this earth, one would say something completely strange happens. The moment the doctor holds you in his arms and announces your birth, everyone will only wish for one thing: for you to cry. And that time will probably be the only time, in your entire later life, that everyone will pray that […]